Eurasia teachers and students have returned to campus and started live classes this Monday! The pandemic has been tightly controlled in Xi’an and as a result, life is beginning to look more normal while people continue to wear masks in public. The Official Eurasia University WeChat account posted pictures of additional social distancing precautions they are taking to prevent an outbreak on campus.

Students and staff are being screened at the campuses entrances, social distancing is enforced in lines, and cafeteria seating has been spread out and even expanded into the school gymnasium.

We are hoping for a safe return for local students and teachers! China is still not allowing foreigners to enter its borders and most of our international students remain in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Malaysia where they are learning Chinese online with our Silk Road Start teachers. Let’s all follow social distancing protocol so that we can get past this virus outbreak and return to our studies and work around the world!
Photo Credits (Eurasia WeChat Account)